Kontsevich–Zorich monodromy groups of translation covers of some platonic solids

  • Rodolfo Gutiérrez-Romo

    Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
  • Dami Lee

    Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, USA
  • Anthony Sanchez

    University of California San Diego, La Jolla, USA
Kontsevich–Zorich monodromy groups of translation covers of some platonic solids cover

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We compute the Zariski closure of the Kontsevich–Zorich monodromy groups arising from certain square-tiled surfaces that are geometrically motivated. Specifically we consider three surfaces that emerge as translation covers of platonic solids and quotients of infinite polyhedra and show that the Zariski closure of the monodromy group arising from each surface is equal to a power of . We prove our results by finding generators for the monodromy groups, using a theorem of Matheus–Yoccoz–Zmiaikou (2014) that provides constraints on the Zariski closure of the groups (to obtain an “upper bound”), and analyzing the dimension of the Lie algebra of the Zariski closure of the group (to obtain a “lower bound”). Moreover, combining our analysis with the Eskin–Kontsevich–Zorich formula (2014), we also compute the Lyapunov spectrum of the Kontsevich–Zorich cocycle for said square-tiled surfaces.

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Rodolfo Gutiérrez-Romo, Dami Lee, Anthony Sanchez, Kontsevich–Zorich monodromy groups of translation covers of some platonic solids. Groups Geom. Dyn. (2024), published online first

DOI 10.4171/GGD/804