Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

  • Constantine Dafermos

    Brown University, Providence, USA
  • Dietmar Kröner

    Universität Freiburg, Germany
  • Randy Leveque

    University of Washington, Seattle, USA


The conference was organized by Constantine Dafermos (Providence), Dietmar Kröner (Freiburg), Randy LeVeque (Seattle).

44 scientists from 9 countries participated in this workshop. During the conference we had 22 main lectures and on Tuesday and Thursday evening 10 short informal contributions. On Wednesday evening the whole group came together for a roundtable discussion on open problems. The main feature of this workshop was characterised by the collaboration of people from numerical and theoretical analysis. In the field of hyperbolic conservation laws, progress is mainly based on the input from numerical analysis to mathematical theory and vice versa. This has been shown for many new results obtained in the past and was confirmed during this workshop.

The abstracts are listed in two groups, first about “Theory” and second about “Numerics” and in each group in alphabetical order.

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Constantine Dafermos, Dietmar Kröner, Randy Leveque, Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. Oberwolfach Rep. 1 (2004), no. 2, pp. 915–962

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2004/18