Komplexe Analysis

  • Jean-Pierre Demailly

    Université Grenoble I, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France
  • Klaus Hulek

    Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
  • Thomas Peternell

    Universität Bayreuth, Germany


The Komplexe Analysis workshop, organised by J.P. Demailly (Grenoble), K. Hulek (Hannover) and Th. Peternell (Bayreuth), was held August 22-27. The meeting was attended by over 40 participants from many European countries, USA, Japan and Korea, among them quite a number of young mathematicians. The spectrum of the meeting was very broad, ranging from analytic question, e.g. Levi flat hypersurfaces and non-Kaehler geometry to classification theory, classical algebraic geometry and numerical aspects of algebraic geometry.

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Jean-Pierre Demailly, Klaus Hulek, Thomas Peternell, Komplexe Analysis. Oberwolfach Rep. 1 (2004), no. 3, pp. 2171–2216

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2004/42