Weyl Groups Associated with Affine Reflection Systems of Type (Coxeter Type Defining Relations)

  • Saeid Azam

    University of Isfahan, Iran
  • Mohammad Nikouei

    University of Isfahan, Iran


We off er a presentation for the Weyl group of an affine reflection system of type as well as a presentation for the so called hyperbolic Weyl group associated with an affine reflection system of type . Applying these presentations to extended affine Weyl groups, and using a description of the center of the hyperbolic Weyl group, we also give a new finite presentation for an extended ane Weyl group of type . Our presentation for the (hyperbolic) Weyl group of an affine reflection system of type is the fi rst nontrivial presentation given in this generality, and can be considered as a model for other types.

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Saeid Azam, Mohammad Nikouei, Weyl Groups Associated with Affine Reflection Systems of Type (Coxeter Type Defining Relations). Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 49 (2013), no. 1, pp. 123–153

DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/99