Perverse Results on Milnor Fibers inside Parameterized Hypersurfaces

  • Brian Hepler

    Northeastern University, Boston, USA
  • David B. Massey

    Northeastern University, Boston, USA


We discuss some results for the cohomology of Milnor fibers inside parameterized hypersurfaces which follow quickly from results in the category of perverse sheaves. In particular, we defi ne a new perverse sheaf called the multiple-point complex of the parameterization, which naturally arises when investigating how the multiple-point set influences the topology of the Milnor fiber. We also discuss applications to stable unfoldings of fi nite maps with isolated instabilities.

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Brian Hepler, David B. Massey, Perverse Results on Milnor Fibers inside Parameterized Hypersurfaces. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 52 (2016), no. 4, pp. 413–433

DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/186