Infinite-Dimensional Manifolds as Ringed Spaces

  • Michel Egeileh

    Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Tilman Wurzbacher

    Université de Lorraine, Metz, France


We analyze the possibility of de fining infi nite-dimensional manifolds as ringed spaces. More precisely, we consider three defi nitions of manifolds modeled on locally convex spaces: in terms of charts and atlases, in terms of ringed spaces and in terms of functored spaces, as introduced by Douady in his thesis. It is shown that for large classes of locally convex model spaces (containing Frechet spaces and duals of Frechet–Schwartz spaces), the three defi nitions are actually equivalent. The equivalence of the defi nition via charts with the de finition via ringed spaces is based on the fact that for the classes of model spaces under consideration, smoothness of maps turns out to be equivalent to their scalarwise smoothness (i.e., the smoothness of their composition with smooth real-valued functions).

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Michel Egeileh, Tilman Wurzbacher, Infinite-Dimensional Manifolds as Ringed Spaces. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 53 (2017), no. 1, pp. 187–209

DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/53-1-6