Reductive covers of klt varieties

  • Lukas Braun

    Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
  • Joaquín Moraga

    University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Reductive covers of klt varieties cover
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In this article, we study -covers of klt varieties, where is a reductive group. First, we exhibit an example of a klt singularity admitting a -cover that is not of klt type. Then, we restrict ourselves to -quasi-torsors, a special class of -covers that behave like -torsors outside closed subsets of codimension two. Given a -quasi-torsor , where is a finite extension of a torus , we show that is of klt type if and only if is of klt type. We prove a structural theorem for -quasi-torsors over normal varieties in terms of Cox rings. As an application, we show that every sequence of -quasi-torsors over a variety with klt type singularities is eventually a sequence of -torsors. This is the torus version of a result due to Greb–Kebekus–Peternell regarding finite quasi-torsors of varieties with klt type singularities. On the contrary, we show that in any dimension there exists a sequence of finite quasi-torsors and -quasi-torsors over a klt type variety, such that infinitely many of them are not torsors. We show that every variety with klt type singularities is a quotient of a variety with canonical factorial singularities. We prove that a variety with Zariski locally toric singularities is indeed the quotient of a smooth variety by a solvable group. Finally, motivated by the work of Stibitz, we study the optimal class of singularities for which the previous results hold.

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Lukas Braun, Joaquín Moraga, Reductive covers of klt varieties. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 40 (2024), no. 5, pp. 1701–1730

DOI 10.4171/RMI/1494