Local Energy Decay Estimate of Solutions to the Thermoelastic Plate Equations in Two- and Three-Dimensional Exterior Domains

  • Robert Denk

    Universität Konstanz, Germany
  • Reinhard Racke

    Universität Konstanz, Germany
  • Yoshihiro Shibata

    Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan


In this paper we prove frequency expansions of the resolvent and local energy decay estimates for the linear thermoelastic plate equations:

subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions: and initial conditions . Here is an exterior domain (domain with bounded complement) in with or , the boundary of which is assumed to be a -hypersurface.

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Robert Denk, Reinhard Racke, Yoshihiro Shibata, Local Energy Decay Estimate of Solutions to the Thermoelastic Plate Equations in Two- and Three-Dimensional Exterior Domains. Z. Anal. Anwend. 29 (2010), no. 1, pp. 21–62

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1396