Extending and improving conical bicombings

  • Giuliano Basso

    University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland; Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany
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We study metric spaces that admit a conical bicombing and thus obey a weak form of non-positive curvature. Prime examples of such spaces are injective metric spaces. In this article, we give a complete characterization of complete metric spaces admitting a conical bicombing by showing that every such space is isometric to a -convex subset of some injective metric space. In addition, we show that every proper metric space that admits a conical bicombing also admits a consistent bicombing that satisfies certain convexity conditions. This can be seen as a strong indication that a question from Descombes and Lang about improving conical bicombings might have a positive answer. As an application, we prove that any group acting geometrically on a proper metric space with a conical bicombing admits a -structure.

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Giuliano Basso, Extending and improving conical bicombings. Enseign. Math. 70 (2024), no. 1/2, pp. 165–196

DOI 10.4171/LEM/1043